Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Day 5

This was another good day because of the time of the year we only had a small window to film in so we had to make every minuets count so when we went out today we chose to do any scenes that needed a specific lighting so then we can shoot at the appropriate times but today was only really for small re-shoot and a bother extras that we needed in addiction to this our group work very efficiently towards the end to make sure everything was covered.

When we had decided when to sort out the perfect positioning for the cast (our friends ) we then started having to go through all of the scenes that we found needed a slight tweaking so we then refilled it a few times we finally decided on the perfect shot for the scene. once we finished that we chose to go back to mine and then do the same with the beginning of the film and from this they made small tweaks to this to ensure that it was all good.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Day 4

In the fourth day of filming we met up at the same time but today was a complete difference because of yesterday's problems we pushed through and we had a very successful day of filming I found that we were very success full because we was shooting for about 3-4 hours and we came away with some really good footage furthermore with the aid of our friends it made it more believable. From us meeting earlier we also covered the rest of the story board to make sure that it was all all right in addition we had to fit it around other peoples day which did sometime produce problems which cause a few setbacks but we covered everything that we was meant to.