Thursday, 17 April 2014

Part 5 evaluation

the audience that we have chose is band E -D teenagers and employed because they will be the band of people that would be looking for adventure and from this they would be the primary audience and the specific age group that we chose would be 15-18 year old as our primary audience because they have the most disposable income because they wouldn't have any need to spend and save vast amounts of money so they could then be able to waste their money furthermore with this age range they don't have any commitments so they can have a very easy and casual life style and this is beneficial because they would have a very happy life style. the secondary age range would be 19-25 and this is because they would have a very stable job with a regular income and they would have the income that they could dispose of if they wanted to go to the cinema and because of this they would be ideal as our audience.

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