Wednesday, 16 April 2014

part 2 evauation

for our title sequence the waking hour we have chose the perfect target audience to be we decided to chose a audience between 15-30 and a annual income of £21-35000 a year because they would be the perfect age for having the income and the need to go out and because of the ages they will like to see horrors because it will give them a adrenaline rush that they crave. we decided to have it directed under a previous and famous director that done the conjuring James wan because his work on his conjuring and he second film has shown interest in the film industry but the actor to all be inters because this will sae money but we decided to have Patrick Wilson because he is know for doing other horrors and psycho thrillers so he will be out main cast member.

for our resarch before we started the production of the film we looking in to other films in the same genre and two films that caught the groups eyes was ''se7en'' and "the conjuring" and the reason we like these was the fact of the mysterious writing and behaviours that have been used to effect the audicens and cause confusion and the same with the conjuring because of the simplicity of it but the affectivness was highly noticble we based our marketing on these films and becaue of the fact that they are a sucess of their way of marketing we would use the same techniques of this like tv market campaigns and advertisement around the country, from the research we had made we decided to specify where would relase the film to maximise the target audience response and the maximum income.

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